On 19 April 2012 13:20, Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First is that the machine has only servo thread and servo period set
> at 500000 ns (running at 2 kHz). About a minute after starting
> LinuxCNC, I get "realtime error, check dmesg for details".

I get this with a particular USB webcam inserted. Are there any USB
devices attached?

> But then I somehow figured to install the 2.5.0 version and it started
> showing the changes to input pins

There has been a change to the Hostmot2 watchdog. Perhaps it is related to that?
Do you definitely have the Hostmot2 write function attached to a
thread ."halcmd show thread" / "halcmd show funct" ought to answer
that question. One of them show the thread period, and you want to
make sure that that keeps changing too.

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