My understanding is that it was done with a small profit motive. There 
are several shields for the Arduino's that targeted driving the steppers 
and extruders in repraps from several vendors.

The only other reason I heard about was the lack of desire to use a PC 
for control when all they wanted was a small microcontroller, even 
though a PC was still required for the UI.

Makerbot actually started out as open hardware and software non-profit 
group created to help advance early research in the area of open-source 
3D printers. They later closed the UI when they got their first $10M in 
venture funding.

On 06/27/2013 05:58 PM, Charles Buckley wrote:
> The whole fear of getting sued is a bit played out and does not really
> explain why they went to trying to design what amounts to CNC controllers
> from scratch. That whole process was pretty much out of patents prior to 3D
> even being patented. Sure.. FDM and extruder heads makes sense. Still
> patented when reprap started. But, motion control? Not even close.

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