On 11/19/2013 03:43 PM, Tony Zampini wrote:
>>>> If you want a menu, then you can write a script as a wrapper.
>>>> Gcmc is a command-line program and works in the tradition of all/most
>>>> unix style commands.
>>> That's fine. What I'm concerned about is users that need to run
>>> repetitive tasks but don't understand CLI at all.
>> Well, when the time is ripe, then someone will write an IDE or integrate
>> it into an existing IDE.
> FWIW, under Win7, I was easily able to "wrap" an existing IDE around 
> gcmc. For my work, I use the Keil uVision IDE for 8051 based
> development. This IDE has the capability to run a command line MS DOS
> batch file after the build.

See, I didn't even have to suggest it... Integration is already done.

Many brains thrown together (sometimes) create fantastic solutions. :-)

Greetings Bertho

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