On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:07 PM, W. Martinjak <mats...@play-pla.net> wrote:

> On 2014-03-02 21:30, Sven Wesley wrote:
> > Talking telnet down as a security issue and at the same time talk
> > *about*security and bring in web sockets, a Python web server and
> > Node.js is at
> >
> Please undeceive me.
> What is on a http server per se unsecure ?
> No matter if it is coded in python, javascript, c/c++ or what ever.
> BTW, telnet is a remote shell.
> It has been made for executing commands on a remote computer.
> Can you hear the bing?
> Matsche

Every web server uses ports and sockets that are open to the world if
placed on a network, which is the obvious point in running a web server.
There are various ways of attacking those ports and sockets to gain access
to the underlying system.  It doesn't matter what it's coded in, though in
some cases, with poor coding, it may be less secure.

Telnet is not a remote shell.  Telnet is a network application the
transmits and receives IP packets in clear text and connects to a network
service on a remote host.  You can telnet to any open port on a remote
machine, and "talk" to that port.

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