On 04/07/2014 10:10 PM, L Mars wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if someone on this list has experience using LinuxCNC with
> Cincinnati Milacron T3 arms?
> The arm is, specifically, a Cincinnati Milacron T3-426 Industrial Robot.
> The existing controller is not easy to interface with - its main data port
> is a tape drive connector; thus my interest in converting the machine to
> LinuxCNC ;)
> I'm a student doing a project for a local makerspace - I'd
> really appreciate any help.
> If you have retrofitted similar machines, do you have any pointers?
>> ArchimedesPi
Please note that the T3 is very old technology
some were hydraulic
others were SCR motor drives.

Begin with this thought: Linuxcnc _is_ a motion controller.
So, using the old controller is not possible _with_ linuxcnc.

Next, using hydraulics or scr drives would not be productive.
Replacing the motors and drives would allow Linuxnc to work as your new 

The TR3 was a real workhorse and theres a lot of them still in use in 
but you will find few parts, and many projects trying to modify them to 
use modern parts.

Google around and study these attempts.

For instance Univ Texas Austin 

I found many studies, from Turkey to Mexico, all replaced the old drives 
and motors.

Once you have more modern elements, you will find Linuxcnc can handle 
the kinematics and motion well.

tjtr33 (TomP)

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