If you have limit switches set them up to home also, saves time when 
firing up as last offsets are still good. Also the soft limits work when 
you home. Got a photo of the el cabinet?


On 1/1/2016 5:01 PM, Mark Johnsen wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the direction, I'll look at that for the limits.  My machine is
> the _one_ switch type for limits on both ends without a home.  I didn't
> setup a home, but after using the mill for the last year, probably a good
> idea.
> I have been running 2.6.11 on a different harddrive, so good when I need to
> go.
> I do think I'll buy that O-scope, only because I've always wanted one and
> it seems like that one is a decent enough hobby scope for someone like me...
> Regards,
> Mark
> Mark,
> The short answer is replacing the limit/home switch wiring with shielded
> cable and grounding it to one place was the difference in making the
> sserial errors go away. Unless you need 2.7 back up to 2.6 till you get
> rid of the sserial errors.
> JT
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