Hello Nicklas,

On 08/21/16 23:08, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
  Hello Nicklas, On 08/17/16 00:40, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
>>> I have tried to use voltage to control EDM gap distance but are not sure 
>>> this is the correct method. I found a paper there someone suggested gap 
>>> resistance is a non linear function of gap distance.
>> the gap resistance is used indirectly..
>> first the dielectric constant of the fluid is 'like' a resistor ( untill
>> a plasma spark is let thru it)
>> so, the voltage across this resistor can be a measure of the gap distance
> I measure voltage in the middle of the plasma sparc and guess this is wrong.

nothing wrong with sampling in midlle of discharge
you know the discharge rate is much faster than your machine can react
so even an average discharge volatge is ok
(like a smaple and hold gated by on-time)

> I will try time to measure ionization time instead this is also inline with 
> what I have also seen somewhere in scientefic papers.
the ionization time is less suited to driving the servo
it is more suited to a safety strategy for when gap control is lost
read more, i think  the papers say it is not the primary servo loop input

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