On 09/03/2016 08:47 PM, Chris Morley wrote:
> motion.feed-inhibit would be the one to use.
> only (maybe) homing and synch moves are un fazed by it.
This appears to be a new feature in 2.8 or so, my older 
version doesn't have this pin, but it does have
motion.feed-hold, so I used that.  So, when the probe is in 
use, a loss of valid signal from the probe causes a feed hold.

Anyway, I got the thing working!  It seems this probe has a 
rather large deflection of about .008" with a 100 mm 
stylus.  I'm going to get a shorter stylus, as the entire 
thing is an awfully long stack, and the whole idea is to be 
able to measure not only X and Y, but length, too, so having 
to move the knee defeats the purpose.

I did find that the chain of logic is pretty slow.  I probed 
at 1, 5 and 10 IPM, and saw a definite shift in the 
measurement as speed went up.  There can't be more than 1 ms 
delay in the FPGA, and the digital inputs are sampled at 1 
ms, so I'm not sure I understand where this is coming from.  
1 IPM is 1/60th inch/second, and I have 20,000 counts/inch 
on X and Y, so that is 333 counts/second.  Given a couple ms 
delay, that is just a couple encoder counts + or -. But, I 
was seeing a change of .011" when I went from 1 IPM to 10 
IPM.  (I got a shift of .003" at 5 IPM.)  With a 
double-touch probing routine, it is not too slow to make the 
final touch at 1 IPM.

I probed both sides of a gauge block to try to determine the 
effective tip diameter.
When I compensated for the .008" deflection to trigger the 
probe, calculations worked out for the effective tip 
diameter.  The tip appears to be smaller than the measured 
diameter due to the deflection that is needed to activate 
the probe.  (The whole reasoning behind Blum's design is to 
make the deflection to trip it the same from all 
directions.  Apparently, the classic 6 balls and 3 rods 
Renishaw probe has a 3-lobed sensitivity pattern with large 
peaks and valleys.  Blum claims they get 1 um variation in 
the distance to trip the probe from any direction in the XY 

Once all this settles down, I will make edge finding probe 
routines that set the XY zero for any of the 4 corners of a 
part, and also sets the Z of the top of the part.

I made an adapter from the FPGA board to the CNC control, 
and it has some flaky contacts, so I may remake the whole 
thing (it is just 3 LEDs, 5 resistors and 2 opto-isolators, 
so not much to redo) when I put it all in a box.


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