On Thursday 02 February 2017 10:02:59 Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:

> On 02/02/2017 03:27 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> > I am using a typical eBay HuangYang VFD on the lathe, and it works
> > nicely with the HAL module (even though it isn't _actually_ real
> > modbus, or so I have heard)
> > Some eBay adverts make a point of stressing that they are selling
> > genuine HuangYang, not fake HuangYang.
> I've used Huanyang VFDs on machines at the local hackspace.  If you go
> this route, two notes of caution:
> 1.  Make sure to use an AC reactor on the input.

How much reactance is needed?  And is this for electrical noise reduction 
or ?

I ask, because this "fake" VFD I am using is about to get a 20 amp rated 
Corcom "Brick Wall" filter in front of its 254 volt single phase AC 
input, to augment the ferrite clamp-on on its output leads in an attempt 
to corral some of its electrical noise. There will also be a pair of 40 
amp SSR's in front of that controlled by LCNC. They will be turned on by 

> 2.  The LinuxCNC Huanyang driver only works with the older style of
> Huanyang VFDs.  It does not work with the newer GT-series models.  I'm
> working on a new driver for Huanyang GT VFDs, but it's not ready yet.

Is it so special that a PWMgen, set for PDM mode and a SpinX1 can't run 
it?  Whatever this thing I bought actually is, that works fine. Except 
for the electrical noise that is.  This takes advantage of the PDM mode 
not being a discrete step, but inherently quite stepless.  Response to 
the spindle override slider is both smooth and fast, so CCS speed 
changes should be smooth and fast.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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