On Thursday 18 May 2017 13:01:13 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Thursday 18 May 2017 10:25:46 dave wrote:
> > No problem Gene, we just cross you with an octopus. :-)
> >
> > Dave
> Yeah but moving the breeding apparatus from where it is, to the end of
> the octpods 8th arm would be quite a trick. :)

To get this back on topic, I've been scrambling around for a couple days 
now, trying to get a working LCNC install on the last good pi-3b I have. 

I snarfed the debs from the other pi, and wire netted them to this one, 
and installed from the debs using "dpkg -i linuxcnc-*". No biscuit, 
whole screen full of missing dependencies it took a couple hours to 
round up and install.

And after quite a battle with dpkg, I am at exactly the same point with 
the new build, as I am with the older pi on the lathe right now, if I 
hang a 10x scope probe on the pi side of the clocking signal. But now I 
am using the pcb from OSHPark with quite close to the recommended 88 ohm 
terminating r's, 86.6 ohms IIRC, AND the interconnection cable from this 
adapter boards 26 pin header to the 26 pin input of the 7i90HD is not 
more than 1.25" long.

This is the exact same response from the 7i90 at the initial 50 MHz 

pi@pionsheldon:~ $ linuxcnc -l
LINUXCNC - 2.8.0-pre1-2771-gdc2ff49
Machine configuration directory 
is '/home/pi/linuxcnc/configs/sheldon-lathe'
Machine configuration file is '7i90-axis.ini'
Starting LinuxCNC...
Found file(REL): ./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal
Note: Using POSIX realtime
hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
Unknown board: HOST????  <------ same exact but wrong response
hm2_rpspi: rtapi_app_main: Operation not permitted (-1)
./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal:32: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app hm2_rpspi
./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal:32: /usr/bin/rtapi_app exited without becoming 
./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal:32: insmod for hm2_rpspi failed, returned -1
Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...

There has to be a subtle timing error between the clock and the data 
latching in the rpspi.ko driver, or in the 7i90. Enough that the 10+ pf 
cap loading on the clocking signal at the pi's gpio pin used for 
clocking fixes it. Whatever one of the mpja 100 mhz scope probes 
represents as a load.  Certainly no more than 15 pf's and 10 megohms I 
would think, but have no means of measuring it, nor do I have any little 
one-half turn ceramic trimmers.

With the demise of the armhf build machine, where do I find the srcs for 
this driver?  It makes sense to me to fix the driver rather than trying 
to hack up a capacitor when where it would have to go is nearly buried 
under the header connectors installed after those resistors have been 
placed and hot air soldered.  Any mods to the adapter board would be 
best done by ordering 3 more of the blanks and 3 more of each header 
socket.  But it makes far more sense to me, to fix the driver so it 
works for everybody.

I also have some sort of a lightdm or related problem. Both pi's have the 
latest firmware update in them now, and both now boot to a medium grey 
blank screen, BUT I do have a movable  mouse pointer, and a right click 
on the mouse brings up a menu, from which I can call up a terminal 
session, and gfx stuff, run from the cli, works just as if I had a full 
blown x-server, so thats head scratcher #2 ATM.

What should I do next?


Cheers, Gene Heskett
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