By ugly I was talking about setting up shared memory communications simply to pass config values once at startup. It is also untidy from the user's viewpoint. They need to load two modules even though one is going to simply read from a file, squirt those values to the HAL module then exit.

After looking though the docs I found this in comp:
/option userinit yes/ - (default: no) This option is ignored if the option /userspace/ (see above) is set to /no/. If /userinit/ is specified, the function /userinit(argc,argv)/ is called before /rtapi_app_main()/ (and thus before the call to /hal_init()/ ). This function may process the commandline arguments or take other actions. Its return type is /void/; it may call /exit()/ if it wishes to terminate rather than create a HAL component (for instance, because the commandline arguments were invalid).

This is exactly what I am after. It runs in user space so I can grab the table from a file before the module starts running in HAL space. I was sure something like that had to exist internally but it is nice to know it is easily available.

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