From what I research I have done the Raspberry is more than a little problematic. The Beagle Bone seems to be the board of choice for Machinekit. I looked into this and came to the conclusion it is too much work for no real gain. You can get small Intel based boxes pretty cheap these days. I/O tends to be limited but you can use a Mesa Ethernet based I/O board. Many come with a mini PCIe slot and you can get mini PCIe to PCIe or PCI adapters quite easily. For instance on my lathe I use one of these adapters to run an old 5i20 PCI card.

One big advantage with sticking to x86 is that if the computer does die you can throw any PC at it to get the machine back up and running in a hurry.

On my mill and lathe I use Wyse Dx0D thin clients. They are cheap, reliable and fanless. Latency isn't great but it is fine for servo use. They often turn up on eBay for very little money. They aren't massively fast but plenty fast enough for a full LinuxCNC installation.


On 20/07/2017 12:54, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:

Real time work great on raspberry? Or graphics work well on raspberry? Or none 
work well?

Nicklas Karlsson

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