
Which version introduced opposing motor gantry support? Was that 2.7, and 
because I had 2.7 pre installed I inadvertently upgraded to 2.8 pre?

It is an RTAI build as I had the 7i43-small configuration working fine.

I will try what you say, I would just like confirmation that I am using the 
version with gantry support, which I thought had been released.


On August 16, 2017 12:30:41 PM EDT, Sebastian Kuzminsky <> 
>On 08/16/2017 09:57 AM, Eric H. Johnson wrote:
>> All,
>> I installed linuxcnc 2.8.0-pre to Xubuntu 12.04, and was running for
>> some time. I seemed to have upgraded something I should not. The sim
>> configurations worked, but the default 7i43-small just locks up with
>> no error message. Nothing responds. Can only power off computer.
>That's terrible!  What version of linuxcnc were you running?  Was this 
>an RTAI build?
>> I tried apt-get remove of linuxcnc and then apt-get install, but
>> following that, even the sims do not work.
>> How do I completely remove 2.8.0-pre and install 2.8 released?
>2.8 has not been released yet.  2.7 is the latest stable release, is 
>that what you want?
>To get that you have to do this:
>* Edit your apt sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and 
>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list, find the line that gets 2.8 debs from 
>the linuxcnc buildbot, and comment it out.  Also make sure you have a 
>line that gets 2.7 debs, either from (if you only want
>the officially released 2.7 builds) or from the buildbot (if you want 
>the "developer" builds of 2.7 that come in between the official
>* Run "apt-get update" to refresh your machine's list of available
>* Manually remove the 2.8~pre debs and install the 2.7 debs.  The 
>easiest way to do this is probably "apt-get remove linuxcnc" (to remove
>whatever version you currently have installed) followed by "apt-get 
>install linuxcnc" (to install the latest known version, which should
>be 2.7).
>Sebastian Kuzminsky
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