On Thursday 10 May 2018 22:23:56 Erik Christiansen wrote:

> On 10.05.18 19:02, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Anyway, I've made a box that can corral 100 of the "tap hats", all
> > of which now have a 4mm cap screw in the side, whose head matches
> > the slot I cut in the lip of the 7/8" R8's. So that problem is
> > partially addressed.
> That's one R8 collet for each size range of tap hats, I figure.
> (Horizontal hold on the picture is a bit unsteady down here.)
> > Thinking on finding the right sized drill for the axial thru-hole of
> > the tap hat, and not yet investing in a quality (if such a beast
> > exists today) set of letter drills, the thought comes to mind of
> > EDM'ing 1 lengthwise slot all the way to the bore, and 2 more about
> > 25 thou short of the bore so I could use the collets compression to
> > close the gap and arrive at a more accurately centered tap, with no
> > rattle room left.  I like the idea, but not the time involved since
> > those 3 slots will eat a days work per "hat" made. Skip that idea.
> > But sleep on it.
> What's the thinnest small slitting saw you can lay your hands on?
> Mebbe something ex-dremel? It only needs to be big enough to slice
> through the hide of a tap hat.
> But, whoa. I'm also not fully across the need for bore adjustment. As
> taps are ground from a few stock sizes, only those few sizes of tap
> hat bore are needed. While I found a drill close enough for one size,
> and bored the other, if I had to make a bunch of the latter, I'd
> probably make up a D-bit reamer, and keep it with the tap hat kit.

Looking at my tap collection, I'd guess it will take not less than 10 
different drills to bore the thru holes to fit the tap shanks. I have a 
very mixed origin tap collection, And the metric stuff all is Chinese, 
quality from junk to very good.

And I'm trying to dream up a way to mill a square in the rear, where the 
square but of the tap will be, and since I have one of those kilowatt 
induction heaters, figure out how to pour a lower melting point alloy of 
some sort to fix the square tap butt into the square in the rear of the 
brass holder, as thats a bunch easier than all that drilling and tapping 
for set screws. High silver alloy solder comes to mind as its some 
pretty tough stuff. But would that heat, maybe 850-900F kill the tap?

If I do the set screw thing, I'll need them in 2mm to 6mm, or maybe even 
8mm for the biggest ones. Thats not counting a 20 kg bag of 1.5" to 
4"ers for pipe I found while cleaning up the old home place after Dee's 
brother died. None in good shape, broken teeth etc. He worked for one of 
the local gas companies as a mech at a pumping station.

> > Go stuff a weeks worth of pills into my pill-tainer, and maybe
> > something will come to mind.
> Here it's carting firewood for the winter closing in; 200 armloads
> stacked up under the eaves, now that the fire danger of a desperately
> dry autumn has been replaced by rain and sleet. (Prayers to Thor
> answered.)
> Erik

We got drowned here for around an hour today too, 1.45" in an hour. 
Couldn't keep track of a tv show because half of it was covered by storm 
warnings being issued by either the Pittsburg PA WB or the Charleston WV 
WB. I am just about centered between them.

I didn't like the looks of the sky when I left to get a loaf of bread and 
a paper and something I could nuke for our dinner, and had to sit out 
the worst of it trapped in my pickup in the grocery store parking lot.
And the same back at the house. I got soaked in the 50 feet plus opening 
the back door of the king cab to retrieve the sacks, run for the house. 
30 minutes later, full sunshine again. Crazy weather.

Stay warm Erik, it should be getting toward keeping the wood stove 
crackling in your neck of the woods. Its been up as high as 89F here 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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