On Tuesday 27 November 2018 23:24:39 Gene Heskett wrote:
> I'll go put w2 vack to cable power...
> And that brought cr1 back on, and an attempt to run LCNC now shows two
> gpio's as serial tx and rx, but doesn't show anything that from my
> understanding, should be there on that subcircuit.  And should there
> not be 2 such on adjacent pins pairs, a total of 3 per 7i76?
> And I'm still showing the 12.6 volts of field power on what I think is
> the VIN terminal, so it has power there but no clue where its coming
> from.
> My hal file needs a load of editing of course so until thats done I
> don't expect it to run, but I do expect the rest of the i/o to show
> up in the dmesg output, so how do I get that?  Not much use working on 
the .hal file until I have a complete dmesg listing.
> While you're mulling this over, I'll go shut down and see about
> rigging a teeny buck regulator up to power the other, Sainsmart Bob on
> p2 since its either usb powered, or separate terminals for 5v and
> ground. No provision for cable power.
Except I didn't shut down, I checked for heating. and left it running so 
amanda could back it up tonight. And since its running, let me get the 
loadrt stuff to see if thats correct.

That is:

loadrt hm2_pci   config="num_encoders=1 num_pwmgens=1 num_stepgens=4"

Anything else I need to add to that?

As far as I know the 7i76 is still factory programmed as I have not 
specified a firmware for it, and have no clue how to do it if its 
needed, all I done is put the 5i25_7i76_7i78.bit file into the 5i25.

Now, because the pdm is being fed to 5i25-p2 now, I'll still have to use 
the rather rube goldberg kit to make a 12 volt enable for Jons pwm-servo 
amp. But its worked well for a couple years in spite of itself.

I am currently using charge buckets to control a couple 40 amp SSR's that 
soft start the spindle supply so those hacks will still be needed. 
Without the delays of the charge buckets, there are instances at powerup 
that will trip a 20 amp service breaker nearly 100% of the time. Too 
many microfarads in that supply, so it gets started with a 50 ohm 100  
watt R to control the inrush.

Thanks Peter.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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