On Wednesday 28 November 2018 12:00:57 andy pugh wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 16:53, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> 
> > The lack of being capable of bidir on its gpio's reduces my inputs
> > to a max of 21, 16 in the 7i76 ad 5 on the std bob. Might get
> > crowded, we'll see
> You can easily add more, the 7i76 has a board for adding a
> smart-serial expansion card, such as a 7i70 (for 48 more inputs).
> But those do cost money.

I'd imagine, the 7i76 isn't cheap either. But in thinking what I have 
now, and having a dedicated encoder interface thats not subtracted from 
the 21 inputs I have now, I think theres enough to tally a tool changer 
at some point. But I need to design it first... Something that will 
swing completely out of the way when not in actual use seems to be the 
first requirement. Something that is not mounted on the table, 
unbalancing it worse than it is, is the second need. Pinning the spindle 
is #3, Running the impact wrench up and down onto the drawbolt is 4th. 
Home switch for pocket 1, a step switch to count tools going by is #5.  
And that likely accounts for only half the tally's of a tool changer.  
jig control I'm now doing with flood/mist. That needs tallied for tool 
and jig safety.  Throw in a tool probe and I've used over half of what 
I'll have when I'm done with this in the next week or 2.

I now have 5 volts on the bob for the 5i25-p2, so next is to edit the 
show pin list I made earlier today, and edit in the tb number and the 
pin # number on it so I can cross ref hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0.input-00 to 
TB4-1, yadda, yadda. 96 such cross refs if I can count just whats on 
tb2,tb3,tb5 & tb6

Only then can I attack the hal file with hopes I can get it right for 
this new interface, But I've a pan of water on the stove, gonna make 
some tri-color rotini & sauce tonight. Probably with about 6 oz of ham 
blended in to help satisfy the carnivore in me. Dee could care less, but 
that would take some effort she hasn't got left. COPD is relentless.

Thanks Andy.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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