On 20/02/2019 06:01, John Dammeyer wrote:
And I realize this is not the majority opinion.

The main problem here is that to China the rest of the world IS a minority market. The cost of translation to even just English is something they don't need to bother with WHILE they had sufficient sales in country, and the likes of newker-cnc are producing turnkey systems rather than parts we can use. The major flaw with ALL of this is that this kit is designed to reduce the reliance on the very commodity that was cheap in China and the rest of the 'developing' world - people? And it's the same problem the world over? The automotive sector which is a majority market for this kit just like the steel and other raw material industries below have more capacity than customers able to pay the prices? The days of buying a new car every couple of years just like a new phone, laptop and even mill or lathe are a thing of the past and it's time to make all of these disposable turnkey products into something that can be 'upgraded' which needs to be addressed, so we can add the latest improvements to last years kit without having to ditch the whole lot. Mine and the wife's cars are 10 years old - and Korean - and still going strong - my son bought a UK built Range Rover which has been off the road for months while he tried to find a new engine because the old one had failed with a 'problem these engines just don't get'.

Unless we can make money from this kit for many of us it IS just a hobby activity? So paying inflated prices for the core components has to be justified when one can buy turnkey packages at a tenth the price knowing one will probably spend another tenth improving things ... which is exactly what I did with the 3D printer. And the basic kit from china was a quarter of the price of the same kit being punted under the banner of UK MANUFACTURE when it is nothing of the sort! The likes of Amazon and eBay need to be made liable for the fraud that they hide from customers? But we need more openness from all of our suppliers so we can make kit last longer.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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