On Monday 08 April 2019 06:36:58 andy pugh wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 11:21, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> > Thanks Andy. Looks like a quite capable board set. Is it purchasable
> > assembled from somebody?
> No. As I said in the email when I first mentioned it.
> > For how much an axis?
> About $100 including heatsink, DIN mount and screen-printed case. But
> that was a not-for-profit batch of 50 that I had made.

Meaning for profit propduction will be closer to $200 USD/axis. That 
makes the motors with builtin servo's more palatable.  They are 
beginning to show up on fleabay for around $110 and up depending on 
size. I had to go for the AC powered driver to get enough for the 
G0704's Z, so against my better judgement I have around $270 in that 
axis as the driver is around $190 on my front deck. Generic 2m542's are 
down to the $30 range, and mid sized nema 23's are down to $40 or less, 
psu's are stable but voltages are wrong, what we need is a 40-42 volt 15 
amp, but most jump from 24 (inadequate for speed reasons) to 48 (too 
much for a 2m542), so I've had to resort to hacking up a toroid linear, 
2 times when converting the Sheldon.  And X is still slow, 30 ipm max 
but its a 2/1 belt reduction. Less on Z.

This 6040 has very small motors on it, but x & y marches along at 210 ipm 
max, faster than I'll ever cut anything except maybe butternut. All 
23's, core lengths from 27mm to 35mm, but they get the job done.  But 
the electronics are all throwaway, the 24 volt motor psu is running in 
foldback at 14 volts if the A is plugged in, and the vfd can't be told 
to reverse, and still can't make up its mind to run in fwd or rev, 
changing its mind by the week without me doing anything. Got a heung 
yeung(sp?) like on the Sheldon but for 110 volt wall power, s/b be here 
yet this week. By then I should have the power relay working and be 
ready to clean up the bed and go to work with it. I even added the .hal 
stuff to run it earlier this morning.  But I'm running out of time to do 
my taxes so thats next after a skinny dip. :( Usually get quite a nice 
refund though. :)  The state seems to be deciding to take it easy on old 
folks the last 2 or 3 years.  Makes WV a good place to retire compared 
to some that look at us living on pensions or SS as bottomless pockets.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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