On Monday 08 April 2019 18:15:47 andy pugh wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 21:15, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> > > How do you work that out? It's open-source hardware.
> > > You can even build it yourself.
> >
> > TANSTAAFL. People need to eat and pay the rent. Flush the toilet,
> > etc etc. That says they'll expect to get paid for their time.
> Just like the LinuxCNC devs do?
That hurts a bit Andy. To me this is a hobby, something to keep me out of 
the bars because I'm stuck in a 3 horse town careing for a wife slowly 
fading from COPD. Most of you folks either have $dayjobs, or actually 
run your own shops that use LinuxCNC to pay the bills.  The users see 
what might be improved and and those that can, do it.  Thats not hard to 
understand. And its a large part of what has made LinuxCNC what it is 
today. The fact that its free is the just as amazing as its capability.

> The STMBL developers are (by and large) LinuxCNC folks too.

I got that from reading the previous link, thanks.

> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HP3S4tDubu6S51qB0dFq0kXvCyXvPF
>rL-rhBZfqBHeY/edit#gid=0 Is the cost breakdown. The £49.55 is the price
> for a part-populated drive board delivered from China.
> The other parts are what needs to be added to make a complete drive.

You also mentioned that the driver isn't available, is it still being 

> You can buy all those parts yourself, and assemble the drive in about
> 20 minutes. There are a bunch of people on this mailing list who paid
> exactly that price when they subscribed to the group purchase I
> organised.
> Are you saying I am owed £5000 :-)

Only if it was your labor that assembled them, and if you say 20 minutes, 
I had assumed >2 hours, I'd have to assume that does not include 
calibration to the motor it will be used with. But even the repackaging 
and disbursing them to your list of subscribers takes time and packaging 
materials which I'd assume weren't free. So £5000, no, but surely at 
least £100. And since I'm on a US keyboard, I had to copy/paste to get 
that £ character :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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