How about HeeksCAD/CAM?
The only difference between the free and paid version is the free version puts 
a note at the start of the G-Code it outputs, which can easily be removed with 
a text editor.

    On Sunday, September 20, 2020, 12:33:03 PM MDT, Bruce Layne 
<> wrote:  
On 9/20/20 3:47 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 20 September 2020 01:50:10 Bruce Layne wrote:
>> Creating an STL from a FreeCAD part is about as simple as it can be.
> How many times do I have to say it? Freecad has an export to linuxcnc 
> menu. It does not work.

You cropped the part of my reply that made it obvious that I was
replying to someone else's comment lamenting that it shouldn't be so
difficult to create an STL in FreeCAD.  I was merely demonstrating that
it isn't difficult.  I wasn't trying to tell you to create an STL to 3D
print your part.

I did try to generate G code for your part.  I drew your part by
subtracting one cylinder from another in a few seconds.  I then tried to
teach myself how to generate G code for LinuxCNC from FreeCAD.  I
thought I might be able to help you while learning a useful new tool. 
Nope.  The tutorial on the FreeCAD site was so out of date as to be
unusable.  I found a nine month old tutorial using FreeCAD 0.18 that I
thought might work with 0.19.

Close, but no cigar.

The FreeCAD menus, icons and hot keys had changed but I mostly muddled
through that.  I was able to select the linuxcnc post processor and
create Default Tool 1 and set the following parameters:

horizontal feed speed
vertical feed speed
spindle speed
spindle direction
conventional milling

However, I was unable to set:

horizontal rapid speed
vertical rapid speed
tool diameter

The CAM process was clearly not ready for prime time.  It seemed buggy,
even by alpha code standards.  Some of the fields seemed to allow me to
enter a number but when I tried, the numbers were interpreted as hot
keys for the 3D view perspective.

I'll keep using FreeCAD for my 3D printers.  It's good at that.  I might
try CAM a year from now in FreeCAD, although I still prefer to write my
own G code by hand, occasionally using a G code generator for creating
pockets, bolt hole patterns, etc.

> the youtube screen is way too small to see what they are actually doing.

It's even worse for me as I'm inevitably trying to watch a FreeCAD
demo/tutorial on my cell phone, which is a frustratingly pointless exercise.  
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