> From: Peter C. Wallace [mailto:p...@mesanet.com]
> On Fri, 11 Jun 2021, John Dammeyer wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 17:05:53 -0700
> > From: John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>

> >> I don't think this is his problem, since his rpi Linuxcnc talks to the 
> >> 7i92 just fine. Only mesaflash is having trouble.
> >>
> >> Have you tried explicitly specifying --addr 192 168.1.121?
> >>
> >> -- Ralph
> >>
> >
> > There is no electrical difference.  Just one DB connector and one header for
> > the non H variety.  It turns out setting the address as --addr
> > or if the W5 and W6 are changed to reflect EEROM IP address of default
> > then all commands must have --addr
> >
> > Reading the manual again it appears that --addr is only needed if the 
> > default
> > is not in use on the 7i92.  That's incorrect with a Pi4.  It's
> > correct with a PC and a Beaglebone.
> Looking at the code, thats pretty strange. The address default is just
> "" Have you tried without the "sudo"? That's not needed
> for Ethernet connected cards

Makes no difference if the sudo is there or not. 
First just to show that from a physical perspective the 7i92 is there on 

pi@linuxcnc:~/mesaflash $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.120 ms

But the mesaflash software doesn't know it's supposed to use the default ip.
pi@linuxcnc:~/mesaflash $ ./mesaflash  --device 7i92 --readhmid
lbp16_access.send_packet: Resource temporarily unavailable
pi@linuxcnc:~/mesaflash $ ./mesaflash  --device 7i92 --addr 
Configuration Name: HOSTMOT2

General configuration information:

  BoardName : MESA7I92
  FPGA Size: 9 KGates
  FPGA Pins: 144

BTW.  The upside is that now we have something reproducible.   It may well be 
something outside of mesaflash but the issue doesn't show up with older 
versions of the OS and what really amazed me is it worked on the Beagle.  Has 
me wondering if booted a machinekit onto the beagle would it work?  Probably 
not.  The hm2_eth is probably not compatible with machinekit but just curious. 

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