Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well.

Quick insight. I've made a router and the spindle drive I'm using has an UP
and DOWN mode for increasing and decreasing the working frequency. This
mode is not the ideal way to work with but I managed to set the frequency
with pretty good results. The mode also has a CLEAR option to instantly set
the commanded frequency to zero. The VFD also has analog input but I would
need to make the DAC for the 7i95 and also a modified firmware to have the
PWM output so I prefer to go the digital route at the moment.

I'm using a software stepgen with the 7i72 outputs to drive these UP and
DOWN input pins on the VFD. The steps are 12.5 ms long so that each step
increases or decreases by 1 Hz.  It's working pretty well and with the
clear function on the VFD I can be sure that I'm not accumulating
significant error in the commanded frequency.

The problem I need to solve is how to instantly reset to zero the
stepgen position counter. I see that this can be done in 2.9 with the
hostmot firmware but since I already have my output wires connected to the
7i72 I think may be the easiest solution is in software. (The truth is I
don't want to mess around with the wires at the moment if possible).

Is it possible to modify the software stepgen component in an easy way to
add a reset pin? Or should I make my own component to generate the pulses?

Thanks as always for your help :)

Leonardo Marsaglia

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