Use Glade and GTK in the latest version of debian not only for Linuxcnc
but also other simple application. It works great.

Nicklas Karsslon

lör 2022-11-05 klockan 08:28 -0400 skrev T Hyde:
> Good morning!
> I am working on a new project that will require me to develop a brand
> new 
> customized GUI.
> This won't be Axis with an extra tab or panel but will need to be a 
> complete GUI screen set. It will likely not have a G-Code preview so
> it is 
> my understanding that Glade or pyqt are probably the most appropriate
> platforms to work with. I have old experience with Glade and the
> python 
> connections required and am quite comfortable there however seem to
> recall 
> some recent threads about glade no longer remaining compliant with
> Debian 
> 10 or the current RT environment in regards to versions available in
> the 
> repositories. Additionally seeing some install notes for pyQT
> apparently 
> some of the environment must also be built from source due to lack of
> binaries and repositories.
> Is the above all old information and there are simple steps to get 
> developing? Also is there a preferred platform to lean towards for
> new 
> development purposes that will be supported for the next 3-4 years?
> I will be building in the current release of Linux CNC 2.8.4 Deb 10 
> Preempt, stock iso install, and would like to keep that compatibility
> forward.
> Many thanks on the opinions,
> Ted.
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