It is not a public Beta.   First you get Fusion 360 running which means setting 
up an account.  They also need to see that you use Fusion regularly.

Then you apply for membership in the “Insider’s Program”.

More here

There are other new fetures beibg tested, not just Apple Silicon.  One of them 
is a fastener library for nuts and bolts and they say there is a way to use yur 
company’s part number system for you fastener library.  Some other stuff about 
tool path generation.  I see something about version control when multiple 
users work on the same desgin files too.     They add features frquently and 
then  few months later we see them in the public release.

What you can see and use in the Beta also depends if you have the free or paid 
version.  You can’t use paid beta features is you do not have a paid 

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 7:56 PM, Thaddeus Waldner <> wrote:
> Would you mind detailing how to get this beta?
>> BTW, Fusion 360 has just come out with a Beta release that runs native on 
>> Apple Silicon.   The new Apple processors are astonishingly fast.   The 
>> above part is designed to be printed but it is fun to let Fusion great 
>> g-code files for milling and see what it comes up with.
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