I'm trying to figure out something goofy that seems to be going on with my 
acceleration settings.
I'm running Linuxcnc 2.9.0 and Axis ui.
I have all of the max_acceleration settings set for 20.0 (and stepgen_maxaccel 
= 25), and for some reason everything only  moves with an acceleration of 10 
ipsps for G0 and G1 moves (confirmed with Halscope), but jogging does go at 20. 
 Is there normal behavior or am I missing some setting somewhere that is 
limiting the acceleration?

Todd Zuercher
P. Graham Dunn Inc.<http://www.pgrahamdunn.com/index.php>
630 Henry Street
Dalton, Ohio 44618
Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031

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