Pierre Neidhardt <ambre...@gmail.com> writes:

> Yoni Rabkin <y...@rabkins.net> writes:
>> There is nothing stopping us from adding support for this program, but
>> it certainly can't be shipped alongside Emms.
> What are the criteria?

It's bigger than Emms!

Shipping a piece of glue code to talk to a library is fine, but adding
an entire separate piece of software that has more lines of code than
Emms to the repo is lopsided.

>> Any idea if it is packaged with any major distros (it isn't in my
>> Trisquel install)?
> It is available on Arch Linux AUR.  I can package it for more
> distributions.

Supporting it through Emms still sounds fine, and people can go grab a
copy and install it.

>> I'm currently looking at mid3v2 as well as an option for id3v2.
> Link?

http://mutagen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/man/mid3v2.html, using the
mutagen library.

But once again, this would be a supported backend, not something that
comes with Emms.

>> We may end up with multiple backends for tagging, just like we have
>> players.
>> To be clear: multiple backends is not the result I am hoping for, but
>> may be better than nothing at all (maybe...)
> What are you looking for exactly?  A light version of Tag Editor?  If
> so,  I guess this will need a rewrite from scratch.

As above, I wouldn't go for more than an interface to a robust solution
that people can install.

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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