----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
I'd love to continue this wonderful thread that Mark started, and for any thoughts Saba may have on the symposium space. In particular, I'm really interested in the two innovative works you both presented, Mark you gave a talk on chatbots and intersectionality, and Saba, you focused more specifically on cyborgian poetry. I'm wishing I had your talks right in front of me, and glad we do have the google link for the gathering! If you could share a bit on the works, and how it has developed since the gathering, that would be wonderful to hear.

Again, Mark, thank you for being such a vital guidance for the gathering, and excited you can participate here. I know you were the Keynote speaker for the offshoot conference two attendees organized at CSU, would love to hear how that space went?

Saba, you published In the Crocodile Gardens after Machine Dreams, did the symposium shape the manuscript in anyway?

Also, have you both ever written poetry, or creative writing after a symposium as we did?

More soon, as Ana will join us later on in the week, but excited to continue the conversation here, and reflect together.



On 2017-05-22 21:06, Margaret J Rhee wrote:
----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear Mark,

I am also so excited for this week's discussion, and gathering again
together! I will send a "formal announcement" shortly to introduce
this exciting week.

The Machine Dreams gathering was incredibly special, in part because
of your guidance, and mentorship to the space! It was a gathering of
really inspiring scholars and artists, and created such a generative
space of engagement. I am so glad the space was also special to you,
and others, especially because it was made so special by way of your
contributions, guidance, and others who joined us there.

I am struck by your moving words,

"Why are we so drawn to the machines of our machine dreams, as people,
as artists, as dreamers? I'm starting to think that it is not their
inability to be completely human but instead their ability to fully
embody one part of the human attributes without manifesting the full
meat sack of messy, squishy embodied being. In other words, they allow
us to imagine intensely our humanity in part."

I want to stay with your words above, because perhaps that is what
characterizes the gathering, and what I am curious about as well. "Why
are we so drawn to the machine of our machine dreams," and how robots
and machines "allow us to imagine intensely our humanity in part."

machine dreams, and the ties forged and soldered through. more soon.



On 2017-05-22 08:45, Mark Marino wrote:
----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi, Machine Dreamers,

I'm so excited for this week's discussion.  Our Machine Dreams
encounter was one I will not forget.  For those of you who missed it,
you can watch a somewhat pixelated version here.


As I read over our publication from Machine Dreams, flip through the
pages of Radio heart, or think about our time together, I'm struck by
the shear humanity of the whirls with robots.  Or rather, I'm struck
by the parts of humanity that emerge from the whirls.

Why are we so drawn to the machines of our machine dreams, as people,
as artists, as dreamers? I'm starting to think that it is not their
inability to be completely human but instead their ability to fully
embody one part of the human attributes without manifesting the full
meat sack of messy, squishy embodied being. In other words, they allow
us to imagine intensely our humanity in part.   Not metonymic but in

An emotion.  A logical flow.  A sense of consideration without
empathy. Knowledge without understanding.

But our intense encounter with even that part of humanity -- that part
of humanity isolated from the whole -- is transformative.

"I still hear you radio heart beating
Inside the meat of mine."

And of course, no doubt this partiality is part and parcel of our
experience of one another.

That is my first thought.  Looking forward to our conversation.

Mark Marino
empyre forum

Margaret Rhee, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
Women's and Gender Studies
University of Oregon
empyre forum

Margaret Rhee, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
Women's and Gender Studies
University of Oregon
empyre forum

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