apparently I am unable to upload the tarball to the group. I will try to 
post it on my public FTP site shortly. It sucks you cant upload to this 
forum. I just wasted about 10 minutes trying to get an upload working... Oh 


On Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 12:52:40 PM UTC-7, Michael Uman wrote:
> Ok,
> Last night I put together an example of the problem I am encountering. I 
> am sure others have run into this issue before so there must be a solution, 
> may I hear an answer soon. I will attach a gzipped tarball of a simple 
> example project showing how my loader script can use a module required() by 
> it.
> I have reduced the module pattern used by Emscripten into a simple 
> Javascript module, but also provided a simple C 'Hello World' which 
> compiles with the included Makefile using emmake.
> I also will reproduce in this message the simple Javscript example, both 
> loader and module, for your viewing pleasure.
> *loader.js*
> /**
>  * loader
>  *
>  * This Javascript module demonstrates loading an emscripten module 
> dynamically
>  * into the nodeJS environment.
>  */
> var argc = process.argv.length;
> if (argc != 3) {
>     console.log("ERROR: Must specify the decoder filename!");
>     process.exit(-10);
> }
> var decoderFileName = process.argv[2];
> console.log("attempting to load decoder " + decoderFileName);
> var fs   = require('fs');
> var DecoderModule = require( decoderFileName );
> var Module = {
>     noInitialRun: true,
>     preRun: function() {
>         console.log("module prerun executed!");
>     },
>     postRun: function() {
>         console.log("module postrun executed!");
>     }
> }
> // Load the decoder into the Module namespace.
> DecoderModule(Module);
> // Call the main entry point and then perform the tasks..
> Module._main();
> Module._performTask1();
> var result = Module._performTask2(2, 4);
> console.log("result of task2 = " + result);
> And now for the simple Javascript module which mirrors the module pattern 
> generated by Emscripten
> *test.js*
> /**
>  * This code uses the design pattern of the emscripten module created with
>  * -s MODULARIZE=1 -s EXPORT_NAME="'DecoderModule'"
>  *
>  * I have taken some short-cuts but believe this code approximates the 
> module
>  * well enough to experiment with.
>  */
> var DecoderModule = function(DecoderModule) {
>     console.log("DecoderModule() called!");;
>     if (typeof DecoderModule.preRun === 'function')
>         DecoderModule.preRun();
>     DecoderModule._main = function() {
>         console.log("Hello world from the world of Javascript!");
>     }
>     DecoderModule._performTask1 = function() {
>         console.log("performTask1 called!");
>         return "function1 called!";
>     }
>     DecoderModule._performTask2 = function(a, b) {
>         console.log("performTask2 called!");
>         return (a + (a * b));
>     }
>     if (DecoderModule.noInitialRun == false)
>         DecoderModule._main();
>     if (typeof DecoderModule.postRun === 'function')
>         DecoderModule.postRun();
>     return DecoderModule;
> }
> // The next line enables the module to be 'required()' by the loader 
> module.
> module.exports = DecoderModule;
> Take notice, please, of the last few lines of the modules code... Here is 
> where the DecoderModule function is exported from the module. THIS IS THE 
> SECRET to being able to load it into the nodeJS environment using the 
> require() statement. Without it all is lost in this department.
> I run the code like this:
> $> nodejs ./load.js ./test.js
> attempting to load decoder ./test.js
> DecoderModule() called!
> module prerun executed!
> module postrun executed!
> Hello world from the world of Javascript!
> performTask1 called!
> performTask2 called!
> result of task2 = 10
> Now you can download my tarball and attempt to build the C version using 
> Emscripten. The Makefile is simple:
> # Makefile
> #
> component.js : component.c
>     $(CC) -o component.js component.c $(EMSCRIPTEN_FLAGS)
> clean:
>     rm component.js
> You can make the component.js module using 'emmake make' on this.
> In my archive I provide a compiled version of the C module but with the 
> needed 'module.exports = DecoderModule' line which seems to me to be the 
> deal-breaker in being able to get output code in my module which I can use 
> in the NodeJS test bench application I am working on.
> Thank you,
> Michael A. Uman
> Sr. Software Engineer, Sigma Designs, Inc.

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