let us for a moment assume that RFC 4307 makes some reasonable algorithm choices (we are talking about IKEv2 here). If we take the text and apply it to EAP-GPSK then we would produce something like:

Conservative Choice:

      AUTH_HMAC_SHA1_96        2            [RFC2404]            MUST

      ENCR_3DES                3         [RFC2451]       MUST-

(Key Derivation)
      PRF_HMAC_SHA1       2          [RFC2104]    MUST

(Note that there is no MUST for encryption algorithms specified in RFC 4307.)

Choice for the Future:

     ENCR_AES_CBC             12        [AES-CBC]       SHOULD+

     AUTH_AES_XCBC_96         5         [AES-MAC]       SHOULD+

(Key Derivation)
      PRF_AES128_CBC      4          [AESPRF]     SHOULD+

Does this sound like a terrible bad idea?

Actually, it sounds reasonable to me.

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