Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:

(1) Sticky settings: I think this one has already been dealt with but
just in case it hasn't here it is. Sometimes, when a window is made
sticky and in 'Remember...' the sticky checkbox is ticked, on next login it is not remembered. You have to tick and untick options in Remember... dialogue box repeatedly to achieve this effect. Please let me know if this has been disposed of.

I don't recall ever having experienced or heard of this problem. It is quite a lot easier to prove the presence than the absence of a bug, so I have to assume that if a bug isn't reported, it doesn't exist. This one hasn't been reported, therefore, it doesn't exist :-)

I've seen this one a few times as well, but brushed them off as collateral
damage from the fact I often exit from E16 via 'shutdown -h' or other similar
take-no-prisoners exit (telinit 3 is good too.. ;)

Does the e16 codebase write changes to configuration details like
the 'remember' list when the change is made, or only on exit?  If the
latter, it's a non-bug (unless the failure to save changes when made
is considered a bug/misfeature).....

E will save these settings when at least 5 seconds have elapsed after a "save settings" request has been issued somewhere in the code. If program termination comes before that, changes are lost.

Also, I suspect that the save settings code is not entirely signal safe.

These things should definitively be fixed.
For now, I think the way to avoid loss of settings is to hold your
breath for 10-20 seconds before shutting E down.


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