Diego Hernan Borghetti wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Kim Woelders wrote:
> Hello all:
>> blender (-w) sets _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT and
>> (screen size)) before mapping.
>> This might not be handled properly.
> And it's not correct, the current code in blender (trunk) make really bad 
> thing, like change the property and not send the ClientMessage.
> I already fix this problem (but the change are in another branch, 2.50), I
> go to check this and merge into trunk for the next release, but it's not a 
> problem of E, the new code work fine... tested here, Blender dev and a 
> very old E user ;)
Well, I tested with blender-2.46, and I am fairly convinced that it sets 
_NET_WM_STATE before mapping the window, which seems to me to be a 
perfectly valid if not the best way to request a maximised window on 
If in stead you send the _NET_WM_STATE client message after mapping the 
window the WM may have to change the window size which causes some 
initial uglyness.


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