In all honesty, I don't think a license makes or breaks a project.. unless
of course it's closed source. I don't think you're realizing how much crap
has to be done to change licenses for little to no reason.

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Nathan Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to point out that as the person asking for the change, the
> burden of proof is on you. Therefore, look at your statements below
> and show us solid proof behind any of them.
> For every example you give of an open source project that supposedly
> succeeded because of it's license being GPL/LGPL, you can find others
> that have comparable success with a different license. You also treat
> this discussion with the founding principle that license is the only
> variable in project success, which is neither true or a reasonable
> basis to start from.
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Cedric BAIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Users don't care about license. That's right. It only affect the
> > community of developpers and people contributing back to the project.
> You say that developers make the difference and users don't care, but
> where do you think your developers come from in an open source
> community? Most of the active developers in the history of E have come
> from people that started as users. There are a few exceptions of
> people that were paid explicitly to do some work and had not
> previously used E. If you attract a growing user base you attract more
> potential developers.
> Where are our users coming from these days? Every time E makes some
> headlines, we see a sudden influx of users and usually get a few
> patches from them. Regular attention to a project is what drives a
> steady influx of users and developers.
> > In the list, the lack of progress is mainly due to the difficulty we
> > have to gain more contribution. That's in my opinion partially due to
> > the license.
> Ok, so you've stated an opinion with no backing evidence...
> > So in your opinion the success of GNOME and KDE as nothing to do with
> > the fact that many company are backing them since almost the
> > beginning. And yes, in 10 years, the Enlightenment project failed to
> > increase the size of it's developper base. Contributions are not
> > increasing faster and faster, and the fact that the license doesn't
> > create a contribution loop as nothing to do with this fact.
> KDE and GNOME are not the same thing, they were desktop environments
> with supporting libs long before E went that direction. In fact, I
> already mentioned this history in an earlier thread and pointed out
> that people in E helped develop the base of GNOME. E is the relative
> new comer in the desktop area where there are already two major
> established players. We have not even made a release in that area
> while they're well-established with many past releases and regular
> media attention. Their success was helped by companies contributing to
> them, but companies contribute to them because they have an active
> user base and community.
> Also, E had companies paying for work on it from some of it's earlier
> days as well, but it was done as part of GNOME originally. Later it
> had paid development work done on the basis of a desktop shell, but
> there are very little remnants of that work remaining in the code
> base.
> Lastly, you're right and wrong about failing to increase the size of
> the developer base. We've had peaks and valleys throughout the last 10
> years. There are times when we've had a steadily growing number of
> developers, and then a sudden increase in attrition. The influx
> occurred when E had some media exposure such as a magazine article or
> when yellow dog started shipping with it. Usually we lose developers
> around these types of discussions, and not the people actually making
> the arguments, but bystanders that feel the project has become too
> political.
> >> Counter 2. While businesses make valuable contributions to help polish
> >> projects and develop key features, they are not usually the driving
> >> force behind successful projects. In most cases, the projects that
> >> have become too corporate have seen declining community contributions.
> >> The extreme case of this is code which was started by a company and
> >> that company has basically been doing all development, just in the
> >> open. This can lead to projects that are too easily swayed by
> >> corporate considerations or changes in strategy. MySQL is a good
> >> example of this scenario.
> >
> > As you are making general statements, could you make them on GNOME and
> > KDE as they are more in the same field as we are.
> Sure, both GNOME and KDE have contributions from a variety of
> companies and have a healthy eco-system of non-paid contributors too.
> You can't rely companies to be your benefactor to reach your goals,
> but they can be strong community members.
> >> Argument 3. Companies can legally use and change our code without giving
> back.
> >
> >> Question 1. How does LGPL prevent this from happening?
> >
> >> Counter 1. The LGPL prevents this only if they make changes directly
> >> within the code and distribute the end product. Since linking is
> >> specifically allowed, a company can write a thin wrapper which extends
> >> the lib with the functionality they want and just link in the existing
> >> code.
> >
> > Yes, thin wrapper are a solution, but how much people are willing to
> > do so for just a few line. It will be easier for them, to just put the
> > source somewhere to follow the license than do the necessary amount of
> > stuff needed by a wrapper. With the BSD license, they just don't care.
> > Nothing force them to do the small effort to give back, so why did
> > they need to care and do it ?
> It's very little work to setup a wrapper, and if they consider it to
> be code that is valuable and don't want to share, then why not? Do you
> have any evidence that your example of not giving back is happening in
> any way that adds value to our code?
> >> Counter 2. There is also the possibility of going the other direction,
> >> as they could export the functionality that they want as a lib and
> >> re-distribute the small changes within our code that access their lib.
> >
> > The same argument came here too. How many people did this for GTK ?
> > None I know about, but they are many patch around that didn't get
> > their way in the GTK code base. This patch could get integrated or
> > not, but they are contributing back to the project itself and
> > influence the futur of GTK.
> Thank you for making my point. No one bothers to do this because it's
> far more costly to maintain the patches separately going forward than
> any loss of value contributing them back. Anyone that is going to make
> valuable contributions will work with the community to make their
> patches meet the communities standard, if they don't, the patches are
> just a drain on community time.
> >> Counter 3. The binary from the modified code is not directly
> >> distributed to end users. For instance with a web service or other
> >> client-server model, there is no requirement in most OSI approved
> >> license that these modifications be distributed.
> >
> > Does it cover our EFL use case ? Perhaps LGPLv3 can solve this, if it
> > really matter.
> Usually not, but we do provide IPC and network wrappers along with a
> variety of data abstractions, so it's not completely impossible. Also,
> some of our image manipulation libraries have had php wrappers around
> them previously, and I know of a few users that used them server side.
> > I disagree. Could you perhaps point me to a replacement for eet and
> > evas that does provide the same level of performance (memory and cpu)
> > with the same kind of feature.
> Eet is basically a file with serialized data structures. You should be
> able to find a number of alternatives on Google quickly. As for Evas,
> it is a very fast canvas, but there are plenty of other canvases out
> there. I have not done a performance comparison to say which ones are
> equivalent. That being said, as this is open source code, there is
> nothing stopping anyone from looking at Evas to determine how it's
> performance is accomplished and replicating it in another library.
> >> Counter 2. If the modifications are very specific to the companies
> >> development environment, then there is little value added to the
> >> community if they are given back. For instance, if they have custom
> >> build environments, the modifications to work in that environment
> >> don't benefit the community and pollute our code with dependencies
> >> useful to a very specific use case. Sharing these modifications also
> >> exposes proprietary information about the companies environment which
> >> it may not want to share.
> >
> > The license say that you should publish the change, not that it should
> > go inside the CVS. So if the patch are useless, we will not include
> > them, but at least we have the possibility to choose.
> And what did the company or the community gain from this exchange? The
> company had to go through the appropriate legal steps to clear the
> code, and if it is a proprietary build environment may have exposed
> some key pieces of information that they believe give them a
> competitive advantage in their development cycle.
> >> Counter 3. Historically, companies have found it more valuable to
> >> share code back with the community rather than to maintain separate
> >> forks with their custom modifications. There are plenty of examples of
> >> this throughout the history of the BSD systems, but two that are
> >> commonly cited are the NFS filesystem from Sun, and Darwin from Apple.
> >
> > Historically GPL/LGPL project grow faster and get more and more
> > contribution than the others. The only few case where this is not true
> > is when a solution exist since so long that rewriting it is not a
> > possibility for anyone.
> Another statement without facts to back it up. Projects succeed when
> they fill a niche where there is demand. This has nothing to do with
> license as long as it's sufficiently open source.
> > How can you justify so easily that the work, the money you invest in a
> > project will be used by your competitor without any thing back ? And
> > as the contribution to the core EFL is small, it's easy to maintain
> > your own fork. So the logical choice in that situation is just use
> > them without contributing.
> Did you forget all of the previous points before you got to this one?
> The license has nothing to do with your competitors using your code
> without giving back. If they don't want to give back, they can easily
> avoid it one way or another regardless of license. We need to work
> with our users to encourage an environment that encourages good
> citizenship and makes the benefits of contribution clear.
> What proof do you have that maintaining a fork is such a trivial task?
> I would feel sorry for any company that has tried to maintain a fork
> of their work for E over the years. They would have invested a lot of
> money into keeping up with a constantly shifting code base even if the
> changes were small.
> > Don't forget CYA, if you want to contribute, the need to ensure that
> > your work will not help the competitor without something back, will
> > lead your attorney to recommand LGPL. If you don't want/need to
> > contribute, a project under BSD will be fine for him.
> No, they don't need to ensure against helping the competition, there
> are examples all over the business world of companies that do things
> that potentially can help their competition without direct
> justification. Besides, based on what I mentioned previously there is
> no guarantee under the LGPL that the competition has to give anything
> back.
> >> Question 2. How is LGPL more friendly to businesses?
> >
> >> Counter 1. License compliance is a huge industry. To avoid lawsuits
> >> companies often take measures to ensure that they are following the
> >> letter of the license in the software they are using, or detect the
> >> presence of outside code in their code base. BSD-style licenses lessen
> >> this burden considerably for companies, even the ones trying to do the
> >> right thing by giving back. With LGPL, much more care must be taken
> >> that their is no cross-pollination of code into other parts of the
> >> software stack.
> >
> >> Counter 2. In order for the LGPL to make any difference versus the BSD
> >> license, there must be license enforcement measures taken. This means
> >> that either the community must take on the role of license enforcers
> >> and thus be suspicious of all users, or the companies take on the role
> >> of policing each other for license compliance. If the company is
> >> playing this role, they are now diverting money and time from
> >> furthering their products into enforcing a license with dubious
> >> competitive gains. If the community takes on policing, we are
> >> diverting community time from advancing our code base into performing
> >> time consuming analysis of potential violators.
> >
> > It was perhaps true some years ago that you can violate license and
> > steel code from LGPL product without much risk. But today, no company
> > will really take the risk easily with all the lawsuit that free
> > software did win over the year.
> My compliance statement before this was intended to point out that
> companies are not always intentionally "stealing" code. Remember
> companies are not omnipotent entities, they are composed of many
> individuals. What about situations where the company is legitimately
> using LGPL code as a library, and one employee decides to copy and
> paste a set of routines into another non-LGPL piece of code? That
> company has just unknowingly committed an LGPL violation and has taken
> on that risk you mention. Under our BSD license, this would be
> acceptable as long as they advertised the original use of their code
> (which under this scenario they would be since the company was trying
> to do the right thing). If your statement of risk is true, this makes
> the use of LGPL code even less business friendly.
> > So optimising the EFL to make it run faster and use less ressource
> > will not give you a competiting advantage ? If your are selling
> > embeded device, and if you use less memory, less cpu to provide more
> > powerfull apps than your competitor, doesn't this provide you with
> > some benefit by reducing your cost on the hardware ? So that just a
> > general assertion that doesn't match some use of the EFL.
> Not much of one. Speed is important, especially in embedded devices,
> but I would not stake my business on being able to maintain a custom
> fork of open source code with speed enhancements. If someone in the
> community comes up with a comparable speed boost, your competitive
> advantage is gone and unless you're well diversified, so is your
> business. That's an extremely high risk business plan.
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