Em 08-04-2010 01:57, Michael Jennings escreveu:
> On Wednesday, 07 April 2010, at 12:27:47 (+0100),
> Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
>>>> I'm sorry, but that breaks the whole point of having clean software
>>>> installs.
>>> How, exactly?
> I notice that you did not answer this question.  Did you miss it, or
> did you intentionally ignore it?

rpm -Fvh newerfile.rpm or even yum upgrade

Also, if for some reason a file is installed at the wrong location,
force will make it overwrite files without checks.

>> You're already confusing things, please devote some time to think
>> about the issue because I'm not discussing against the current
>> method, I like it.
>> I'm just pointing out the need to detail it further than per day so
>> it suits even better.
> I, too, have encountered this in the past.  But the day-level notation
> is a good compromise between readability/usefulness and rebuild
> granularity.  I told you what I do, but you don't seem willing to use
> that method for reasons you have yet to articulate.  (Calling it "not
> sane" is a subjective, not logical, argument.)

Subjective is "compromise between readibility/usefullness", upgrade
sanity isn't subjective.

Doing it with yum even allows me to rollback the packages with "yum
history undo ID"

> I would like to point out that the code you primarily work on,
> elmdentica, is yours to do with as you like.  If you want the spec
> file to have a timestamp with HHMM in it, that's your call.  Please
> feel free.  But you said you wanted to change *all* the spec files,
> and that's what I oppose.

I'd have no doubt about that but my issue is tracking down a weird bug
with anchorblocks which sometimes don't even call the clicked handler,
sometimes cause a crash (apparently in evas), sometimes the ones which
crash work if run under valgrind, etc...

What gdb and valgrind tell me it's a problem in evas or at a lower level.

Anyway, long after I went to bed I saw some talk about a
--configure-with-ts=.... I could take that, but I think that I have a
better idea, please tell me what you think of it.

rpm building used to allow defining a variable with a default value in
case it was defined.

If it's still the case nowadays, the default could be YYYYMMDD but I
could define it's value with rpmbuild --define var=YYYYMMDDhhmm to
override it.

What do you think?


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