
I just would like to start a thread regarding what is still pending
for next release and what we should do about it. First let's start
with what is not ready :
- Most of the elementary widgets have not been renamed correctly to be
in efl.ui namespace.
- Edje and Elm.Layout have not been refactorized and properly
inherited from each other.
- Text interface is not there (this impact also entry, label and edje).
- Genlist is also not there.
- All eo object still needs a proper cleanup and use of own().
- Uri manager is not there.
- Color/Color_Class is not there.
- Efl photocam is not there.
- Efl video is not there.
- Efl.Ui.Window is not there.
- Efl.Ui.Focus cleanup is not there.

Sone of the above have patch in review process that may land before
Monday morning, but I prefer to just give the current status as I may
not have time this weekend as I am moving. Also most of the API that
have landed so far have not been tested in any real application and we
don't really if they do fit their purpose (making life easier).

It is obvious to me, and I am pretty to sure to everyone involved in
the development of 1.18 that we can not do an alpha while some of the
biggest change are not there yet. Now the question is should we delay
the alpha ? Or should we make the alpha a technical preview followed
by an alpha later on ? Should we just move on and delay the above
change for 1.19, in which case all the new API need to remain BETA.
Also if we do delay, how much longer is needed for a release ? Isn't
it going to drag on ?

Oh and did I miss anything in the above list ?
Cedric BAIL

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