
On 13/09/16 23:39, Jean Guyomarc'h wrote:
> Hi all,
> OSX has a better packaging status than Debian (1.14 vs 1.8), and
> hopefully, OSX will soon ship 1.18. So, I wonder, what's going on with
> the debian package?
> I can see on the Debian tracker (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/efl)
> that the 1.18 release has be noted, and that an "action is needed"
> with criticity "high".
> Do we have plans to upgrade the Debian packages? I think it would be
> nice if we could upgrade the EFL package (maybe E as well). It may be
> too late for Jessie (8.x), but it seems the shot window for Stretch is
> still open.

I guess you would need to ask the Debian packagers to update or find new 
ones wanting to keep up with the work. To me the maintainers seem to be 
missing in action and so far everybody stepped up to replace them. Part 
of the problem is that interested folks might not be a Debian 
maintainers and would need a sponsor. I tried to arrange for this with a 
Debian Developer I knew but even for the sponsor its a lot work so it 
did not pan out.

I just updated or packaging status wiki page and Debian (and inherited 
from it Ubuntu) is by far the worst case  in terms of still shipping a 3 
years old release while we have done 10 new ones in between. And no, I 
do not talk about a Debian release but even Debian unstable.


If you compare this to other mainstream distros like OpenSUSE or Fedora 
which ship really up to date packages I can't really see why our code is 
not interesting for debian while it is for other distros. But given how 
long we have this situation I think we might have to face it that this 
will not change.

Stefan Schmidt

enlightenment-devel mailing list

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