On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 19:53:20 +0200 Davide Andreoli <d...@gurumeditation.it>

> I disagree here, really you are saying that only raster use async stuff in
> efl?
> >From my POV efl is (and has always been) a fully async toolkit, and I use
> lots of async stuff in all my programs: timers, animators, idlers,
> ecore_con,
> ecore_exe,  ecore_fd, edje_signals, emotion callbacks, etc...
> And to be honest I never feel the need for a better async API...

well long before promises here was my thought:

we have async in our api by callbacks. we haven't made things as async as they
should be - like file_set or evas images, edje objects etc. with some returning
true/false for initial success. this was a mistake. for eo we should basically
indicate success later async (if you care), or have a stop-and-wait api if you
must know now. (obj.wait() ?).

the real issue is many objects would DO something async and the event name was
different from object to object. ecore-con was different to ecore-ipc (though
very similar). elm image different to evas image, different to edje objects
etc. so you couldnt apply a pattern and just dumbly copy and paste to have your
cb called "when its done".

so my thoughts were for eo to at least have some core async interfaces that all
these objects share to do the wait, provide a set of core standard events etc.
- this would reduce the mental load for developers using such api's as they can
re-apply the same knowledge directly across multiple objects.

what i liked is the simplicity - just create the obj (image, edje, server,
etc.) add event cb's you care about, then "do" the action (set file, connect

promises do bring in standardization like above, BUT they do it with a lot more
complexity by having another promise object that is created for that action on
which you then have to listen for the completion or failure etc.

i understand why technically it has to be this way, BUT it's incredibly painful
to deal with. i know i'm not the only one using async api's in efl - and they
are not that hard to deal with, but as above, could do with improvement.

i'm dubious about promises still. i see value but i also see downsides. i think
they are such a radical change from what has been proven to work that the WISE
thing to do would be to use them in a limited number of places for now and "see
how that pans out".

> > Please clarify what would be your proposal in that regard as being
> > against new things without proposing a solution is not helping.
> >
> I'm with TAsn, I'm against promise. The simple solution I propose is
> that all the async API have the callbacks explicitly given as params.

we can't as eolian can't GENERICALLY handle callbacks across languages. it can
only do it for specific special cases - eg event cb's or if you manually bind
api's. this means tht you need to do this the way i suggested above. create
obj, add cb's for what you care about, then "do" the action via an api.

> And a note:
> I was trying to keep myself out of this promise discussion, but it
> seems not really possible :)   What I can say is that I will not discuss
> about the internal implementation of asyncs/promise, I will only argue
> about the API we are going to expose to the user, and I will fight
> for keeping the API as simple as possible.

the reason i reply to this is, 1. don't keep out of this discussion as this is
a key core design decision and keeping out just means you'll have to live with
whatever you get - fine if you just don't care. you care. :)

and you are taking the exact correct approach. think of it from the api USER's
point of view. for eo+eolian and on we have to consider multiple languages too.
c, c++, js, lua, python (in future)... it has to be sane/nice across all of
these. you are coming from the right view here that "think of the user" is key,
not the implementation.


so my take is what tasn said - let's TRY promises in SOME areas and see, but
let's not go all-in on them. what "some areas" are is a bit fuzzy though...
it'd be good to discuss where we should use promises for now and perhaps have
an alternative way of doing the same thing and see which one people gravitate
to... then again having 2 ways to do the same thing is confusing especially to
newbies... :( ARGH!

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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