I like what Jeremy did based on Raster's suggestion.

My 2 cents on that is to have the files to contain the function
signatures because most editors (at least Emacs) will think stuff are
in global scope and indent weirdly.

they can be a function for real or just a placeholder macro such as
TEST_FUNC(), then we add braces around.

Also, for simple tests one function per file will do, but spawning
callbacks to their own files will become a PITA for most cases,
particularly if you need to pass some context structure.

do we want to ditch the check.h usage? Or just increment that? Like we
generate check-compatible code and use their macros?

but it's in the right direction I'd say...

On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:31 AM, Cedric BAIL <cedric.b...@free.fr> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 2:55 AM, Jérémy Zurcher <jer...@asynk.ch> wrote:
>> <snip snip>
>> I wrote a quick and dirty POC ...
>> comments welcome
> I was myself thinking of doing some macro magic. I would introduce a
> EFL_START_TEST and EFL_END_TEST macro that will have two
> implementation. One will initialize/shutdown for that tests suite
> properly the needed dependency and the other implementation will just
> add the case without executing the code in between.
> Along with refactoring the main that is mostly a copy and paste in
> most tests suite we have (except for eo) and providing a proper debug
> mode that would restart that same binary under valgrind (A nice bonus
> would be to automatically attach gdb in case of error), I think it
> shouldn't be to much work to get things slightly better. The issue
> will remain that most tests need some cleanup as described by Gustavo
> and that's more time consuming.
> I will try to prototype something quickly next week so that everyone
> can get an idea.
> Cheers,
> --
> Cedric BAIL
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Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
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