On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:01:19 +0900 (JST),
   Yasufumi Haga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| I upgraded my e16 to e16.8pre2. The installation went fine and works
| well execpt for one thing. The Japanese characters shown on a "titlebar"
| get garbled, while the caracters in a dialog and menus are normal.
| When I run configure, I used --enable-hints-gnome  and --enable-ecore-x
| options. Does it have something to do with the garbled characters?
| I saw this problems on "aqua" and "shiny metal".

This is a supplement.
* titlebars of the dialogs to configure e16 such as focus,
  virtual desktop, etc.: garbled
* titlebar of mozilla : normal (I wonder why?)
* emacs -title "Japanese characters": garbled
* Eterm -T "Japanese characters": garbled

Yasufumi Haga   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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