On Friday 23 Sep 2011 22:58:34 darken K wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've just installed enlightenement on my debian. It looks nice, but I have
> one issue. I want to have conky on left top part of my screen, but i have
> the shelf on top right of my screen with property above everything. When
> conky starts it's placed on left side of screen, but below the shelf. What
> should i do to have conky in the same row as enlightenments' shelf?

I have the same problem with Gkrellm on the bottom right of the screen and 
shelf on the bottom (middle) of the screen.

It used to be the case many moons ago that Gkrellm would stay at very bottom 
right of the screen and not interfere with or be affected by the shelf.  
However, developments of how the desktop is now rendered meant that the shelf 
pushes up away from the edge that it occupies any other applications (desktop 
objects).  This means that the shelf reserves the full length of the edge just 
in case it expands with additional content and pushes out of the way any other 
desktop objects.

A dev explained it to me in this M/L some time ago now, only in a more 
articulate way.  I tried different settings on the Gkrellm window to make it 
remember the position, etc. but nothing works as it used to with the new code.

Now I just move Gkrellm manually at the bottom right corner (I drag it with 
the mouse) but a reboot pushes it up again.  Of course, you can't do this with 
Conky.  Unless someone else has a better idea I suggest that you position 
Conky on another edge not affected by the shelf, e.g. bottom left.
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