On Saturday 24 Sep 2011 00:39:02 mh wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2011, at 7:07 PM, Mick wrote:
> > On Friday 23 Sep 2011 22:58:34 darken K wrote:
> >> Hello everyone,
> >> I've just installed enlightenement on my debian. It looks nice, but I
> >> have one issue. I want to have conky on left top part of my screen, but
> >> i have the shelf on top right of my screen with property above
> >> everything. When conky starts it's placed on left side of screen, but
> >> below the shelf. What should i do to have conky in the same row as
> >> enlightenments' shelf?
> > 
> > I have the same problem with Gkrellm on the bottom right of the screen
> > and shelf on the bottom (middle) of the screen.
> > 
> > It used to be the case many moons ago that Gkrellm would stay at very
> > bottom right of the screen and not interfere with or be affected by the
> > shelf. However, developments of how the desktop is now rendered meant
> > that the shelf pushes up away from the edge that it occupies any other
> > applications (desktop objects).  This means that the shelf reserves the
> > full length of the edge just in case it expands with additional content
> > and pushes out of the way any other desktop objects.
> > 
> > A dev explained it to me in this M/L some time ago now, only in a more
> > articulate way.  I tried different settings on the Gkrellm window to make
> > it remember the position, etc. but nothing works as it used to with the
> > new code.
> > 
> > Now I just move Gkrellm manually at the bottom right corner (I drag it
> > with the mouse) but a reboot pushes it up again.  Of course, you can't
> > do this with Conky.  Unless someone else has a better idea I suggest
> > that you position Conky on another edge not affected by the shelf, e.g.
> > bottom left.
> I have no problem with GKrellM's opening at any particular location. Go to
> the Gkrellm Configuration setting, General, Options, and then tick the box
> labeled "Remember screen location at exit and move to it at next startup."
> Click ok. Works fine here, even after a reboot. GKrellM 2.3.5.

Hmm ... this is strange ... I have already ticked this, on the same Gkrellm 
version.  However, when when I login it is pushed up by the shelf at the 
bottom of my desktop.

It is also pushed up every time a krellm is redrawn, e.g. when the network 
card is enabled/disabled.

What is your shelf settings?  I have mine as 'Above Everything' because I 
don't want application windows to cover it.
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