On 11/26/2014 10:59 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> if everywhere else you mean over applications - they set their own cursors. e
> is not in charge of that. e's cursor is set on the root window and otherwise 
> on
> its own content (titlebar etc.). are you using the default theme or some other
> theme? it could be that your theme has changed just the standard normal e
> cursor but not the resize/move etc. cursors and thus the ones it didnt change
> work...

It's the default theme. This is beginning to make sense.

> then you have a disagreement with the theme designer who designed everything 
> to
> go together. let's take your argument further.
> scale 2x is fine for everything.. except checkboxes! i can't use them. let me
> scale those separately. but no. not just checkboxes. i find the close button
> too small - can i have just a separate scale for the close button? ... need i
> go on. 

No, but the cursor is omnipresent and should supersede all
application-specific widgets like checkboxes. I understand what you are
saying, but I think there should be a way to override whatever object
sets the cursor size. I also find it hard to imagine that an application
developer would specify the size of the cursor used within her
application: surely it should just inherit its size from the surrounding
environment, as it does in lesser interfaces than e :-)

> what you are saying is that unless we go and provide a special scaling
> control for every single element of the screen, just in case you don't like 
> the
> size of that one special thing... "it's broken". sorry - i don't buy your
> argument. this basically requires an insanely large set of special cased
> scaling values to apply and the need to mark everything with a special scale
> class. that's just nuts.

It certainly would be, but I am not arguing for that, just for the
primacy of the cursor to be inherited by applications, not set
indivually for each one. But that is obviously unattainable.

> no - they just have better eyesight. not everyone magically becomes blind as a
> bat when they get older. :) even then... you seem specifically immune to
> detecting motion. regardless of clarity of eyesight, we are mentally attuned 
> in
> our visual system to detecting motion - to hunt and to detect danger. even if
> it's small... it moves and thus is a warning.

It certainly is.

> to me it seems you need less of a large cursor and more of a "find my cursor"
> feature.

Which exists in many systems, including Ubuntu (which is what underlies
my e); pressing the Ctrl key alone used to flash the cursor location.
But that has now been removed for unfathomable reasons, which is why I
am seeking an alternative.


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