As others have said, Oracle and Mozilla have given years of advance notice for 
the end of plugins.

In my own experience, when the developer has abandoned the web app that 
requires it, I've been able to create my own workaround by finding the .jar 
file in the page source, and opening that with Java Web Start.  This works for 
some things but not others.

Jason Jackson
Computer Systems Technician
North Vancouver School District

From: Enterprise [] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: October 4, 2018 9:10 AM
Subject: [Mozilla Enterprise] Firefox auto updating issue


My company, GDC Technics, has been having issues with Firefox auto updating to 
version 60+ for the last few weeks. When this happens our entire organization 
is unable to launch Java functionality in Oracle and they are unable to work.

We then have to roll the user back to version 52.9 ESR for them to be able to 
work. I have tried various fixes to prevent it from updating again but it keeps 
auto updating to newer versions that do not work.

1.       Is there a new version that we can roll to that will not make Oracle 
stop functioning?

2.       If not, can you help me in keeping it on an older version that does 

If not we will have to swap the whole company over to IE and will be 
uninstalling Firefox to avoid further issues.

Best Regards,
Robert Stallknecht
Senior Systems Administrator
O. +1. 817.541.8600 C. +1.210.884.4911


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