Personally, I really don’t like IE but looks like it is our only option at this 
point. Our Oracle DBA’s stated its going to take at least 6 months for them to 
finish their current projects and integrate the Java Web Start functionality. I 
currently have no control of my Firefox installs across the company. My 
motzilla.cfg, override.ini, local-settings.js, install.ini, host redirects 
appear to keep Firefox from updating for a short period of time but somehow the 
browser finds a way and updates massively across the company. From an 
enterprise perspective, I cannot have a program that updates on its own, on 
non-administrative user accounts, without being able to test those updates 

Best Regards,
Robert Stallknecht
Senior Systems Administrator
O. +1. 817.541.8600 C. +1.210.884.4911


From: Daniel Veditz <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 10:31 AM
To: Robert Stallknecht <>
Cc: Enterprise Working Group Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [Mozilla Enterprise] Firefox auto updating issue

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 10:21 AM Robert Stallknecht 
  If not we will have to swap the whole company over to IE and will be 
uninstalling Firefox to avoid further issues.

Note that neither Firefox ESR 52.x nor IE will be receiving further security 
updates and have known vulnerabilities. There are exploits in the wild for IE. 
There haven't been any reported against ESR-52 but it's only a matter of time. 
Do not use these browsers on computers connected to the public internet unless 
you have time to deal with ransomware or other malware attacks.
-Dan Veditz
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