Title: Re: Compacting database - frequency?
I would only compact after a very large delete. For instance, I’ll compact if I let my deleted items folder get to be about 10K messages or so before deleting. It could help slightly with boot time as well.

In reality, unless you are short on disk space, it just doesn’t make sense to even compact all that often. I know a lot of people do though.

On 11/2/05 4:15:18 AM, "Richard Shane, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Jud,

I agree – thank you for that clarification! Back to my question in the original email – what frequency would you suggest as “regularly.” Once a month? Once a week? Thanks for this additional clarification.

Richard Shane, Ph.D.
2060 Broadway, Suite 430      Boulder, Colorado 80302      303.449.0778

From: Jud Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Entourage:mac Talk" <Entourage-Talk@lists.letterrip.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:39:31 -0800
To: "Entourage:mac Talk" <Entourage-Talk@lists.letterrip.com>
Conversation: Compacting database - frequency?
Subject: Re: Compacting database - frequency?

There is a small benefit to compacting regularly. Entourage maintains internal sort tables. Those sort tables are optimized on a compact.

However, you should only choose the rebuild option if your database is damaged. Many people believe that rebuilding your database will protect you from future corruption. That just isn’t the case.

On 11/1/05 2:31:14 PM, "Barry Wainwright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/11/05 22:11, "Richard Shane, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


(Using OS 10.4.2, Ent. 2004, v. 11.2)

I use Entourage a LOT. Are there generally accepted guidelines about how often to perform “Compact database”? I want to set an automatic reminder. Thanks.


Only when you need to.

In 2004 the database repair utility constantly scans the database for corruption and will alert you to any problems in good time 9unless you turned this off yourself). No need to rebuild unless you are prompted to or find other problems yourself.

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