I'm totally top-posting, and I apologize for that.

For right now, I'm going to put my enable-crb script in epel-release, but
not automatically run it in a %post script or anything.
The debate about putting it in a post script, or a separate package, can go
on independently of the script.

This does a few things.
- give people a single, easy to remember way to enable crb
-- Right now if you install anything but RHEL you might remember "dnf
install epel-release" but then you forget what the dnf command is to enable
a repo, and you might forget if it's crb or powertools.
-- It will make scripting easier because you just have one command that
will work across all RHEL compatibles.

- gives the script a chance to find all the corner cases
-- It's worked on everything I've tried thus far, but I'm sure there are
some corner cases or two where the script doesn't work.

I was thinking of it being
  /usr/bin/epel-enable-crb (a link to enable-crb)



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