The API has been ready since before eclipsecon. Dave and others reviewed it and 
it is good.
What do you propose instead? We wait 3.7.1?

On 2011-04-20, at 10:29 AM, Jeff McAffer wrote:

>> If there is no objection I will release that during the week so we can 
>> actually work on the code together.
> I'm not a real fan of this approach in the last week of M7.  If bogus API 
> gets into M7 then we'll have a hell of a time removing/changing it.  We 
> almost always end up regretting those last minute pushes.  For the code 
> itself I don't care but releasing API that is not baked is less than optimal.
> Jeff
> On 2011-04-19, at 1:30 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
>> This issue has been discussed at the end of M6 with Tom and it has been 
>> agreed at the time that we will add this new API in M7 (I had not foreseen 
>> it happening so late).
>> I just attached a new patch taking the feedback into account. The focus is 
>> on API since this is the most pressing issue for the rest of the week. The 
>> code needs to be polished. 
>> If there is no objection I will release that during the week so we can 
>> actually work on the code together.
>> On 2011-04-19, at 9:27 AM, Jeff McAffer wrote:
>>> Darn. you are talking about 
>>> https://bu​gs.eclipse​.org/bugs/​show_bug.c​gi?id=3370​16?
>>> That's new API right?  I took a look but am not sure what the final form is 
>>> that you are thinking of.  Susan had some comments and David as well.  The 
>>> original patch from you had a method getAgent() which seems suspect as it 
>>> does effectively the ServiceHelper trick.  Do you have any examples of this 
>>> API in use.
>>> If you are going to look to release this please post a new patch with the 
>>> proposed shape, some example use and mark for review.  Ideally we could get 
>>> John and/or DJ to review (I'll review as PMC guy).  Please do not release 
>>> until it has been reviewed.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2011-04-18, at 5:22 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
>>>> Crap. Just a heads up that I stil need to release the new simplified API 
>>>> around the operations. I'll likely only get to that Friday.
>>>> On 2011-04-18, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>>>> As a reminder M7 is next week. After that we head into rampdown for M7. 
>>>>> Please see for 
>>>>> more details on the process for ramping down the release.
>>>>> Tom
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