I just released and tagged.
Thx everybody.

On 2011-04-21, at 10:01 AM, Jeff McAffer wrote:

> Tom and I have looked at the new patch and agree it looks good.  The bug 
> report has been updated.
> As for the process stuff, you could have/should have/might have/... several 
> things but that doesn't change the fact that we are 5 weeks past the API 
> freeze and at the start of warmup builds for functional freeze looking to 
> commit new function and API.  There is a reason we have a rampdown process.  
> It is not meant to block things but rather to give a chance for sober second 
> thought and check that we are not doing something stupid in the heat of the 
> "crap I forgot to ..." moment.  In this case some really good feedback on the 
> API came from several sources so the process seems to have done its job.  
> Thanks to all.
> Jeff
> On 2011-04-20, at 10:42 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
>> 1) only if this means 3.7.1.
>> 2) Not sure if this is possible since the classes are in a public package.
>> 3) I think we are making an overly big deal of this whole thing.
>> The API proposed has been reviewed by Dave and others a long time ago and it 
>> has not changed since then.
>> The feedback from the last few days has only been focused on naming... 
>> which, as we know too well in Equinox, is a sign that there is no other 
>> issues.
>> The other thing to remember is that should I had the chance to commit this 
>> API right after EclipseCon, the crappy names that I would have come up would 
>> have been carved in stone and we would not be here...
>> I have attached a new patch to the bug report.
>> On 2011-04-20, at 10:35 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>> So here are the options as I see them.
>>> 1) postpone this new API until next release
>>> 2) propose the API as provisional (i.e. use x-internal etc)
>>> 3) work on the API as much as possible to gain confidence that it is API we 
>>> can live with and support in future releases.
>>> 3) seems rather risky at this point in time. Is 2) an acceptable approach?
>>> Tom
>>> <graycol.gif>Jeff McAffer ---04/20/2011 09:29:49 AM---If there is no 
>>> objection I will release that during the week so we can actually work on 
>>> the code together. I'm not a real fan o
>>> <ecblank.gif>
>>> From:       <ecblank.gif>
>>> Jeff McAffer <j...@eclipsesource.com>
>>> <ecblank.gif>
>>> To: <ecblank.gif>
>>> Equinox development mailing list <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>
>>> <ecblank.gif>
>>> Cc: <ecblank.gif>
>>> P2 developer discussions <p2-...@eclipse.org>
>>> <ecblank.gif>
>>> Date:       <ecblank.gif>
>>> 04/20/2011 09:29 AM
>>> <ecblank.gif>
>>> Subject:    <ecblank.gif>
>>> Re: [equinox-dev] [p2-dev] Equinox/p2 meeting minutes posted
>>> If there is no objection I will release that during the week so we can 
>>> actually work on the code together.
>>> I'm not a real fan of this approach in the last week of M7. If bogus API 
>>> gets into M7 then we'll have a hell of a time removing/changing it. We 
>>> almost always end up regretting those last minute pushes. For the code 
>>> itself I don't care but releasing API that is not baked is less than 
>>> optimal.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2011-04-19, at 1:30 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
>>> This issue has been discussed at the end of M6 with Tom and it has been 
>>> agreed at the time that we will add this new API in M7 (I had not foreseen 
>>> it happening so late).
>>> I just attached a new patch taking the feedback into account. The focus is 
>>> on API since this is the most pressing issue for the rest of the week. The 
>>> code needs to be polished. 
>>> If there is no objection I will release that during the week so we can 
>>> actually work on the code together.
>>> On 2011-04-19, at 9:27 AM, Jeff McAffer wrote:
>>> Darn. you are talking about 
>>> https://bu​gs.eclipse​.org/bugs/​show_bug.c​gi?id=3370​16?
>>> That's new API right? I took a look but am not sure what the final form is 
>>> that you are thinking of.  Susan had some comments and David as well. The 
>>> original patch from you had a method getAgent() which seems suspect as it 
>>> does effectively the ServiceHelper trick. Do you have any examples of this 
>>> API in use.
>>> If you are going to look to release this please post a new patch with the 
>>> proposed shape, some example use and mark for review. Ideally we could get 
>>> John and/or DJ to review (I'll review as PMC guy). Please do not release 
>>> until it has been reviewed.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2011-04-18, at 5:22 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
>>> Crap. Just a heads up that I stil need to release the new simplified API 
>>> around the operations. I'll likely only get to that Friday.
>>> On 2011-04-18, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox/Meeting_Minutes/20110418
>>> As a reminder M7 is next week. After that we head into rampdown for M7. 
>>> Please see http://eclipse.org/equinox/planning/freeze_plan_3.7.php for more 
>>> details on the process for ramping down the release.
>>> Tom
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