Pratap came up with an issue in reviewing the ES3.1 draft that I don't have a 
good answer to:

Sections 7 and 5.1.2 mention InputElementDiv and InputElementRegExp.
    7 "There are two goal symbols for the lexical grammar.  The InputElementDiv 
symbol is used in those syntactic grammar contexts where a division (/) or 
division-assignment (/=) operator is permitted.  The InputElementRegExp symbol 
is used in other syntactic grammar contexts."

Where in the grammar (or elsewhere) does it define **when** these two contexts 
are used?

There are no subsequent references to  InputElementDiv or InputElementRegExp in 
either the grammars or the prose of the specification.  Nor, is there any 
reference to RegularExpressionLiteral in the syntactic grammar or supporting 

So how am I as a language implementer reading this specification supposed to 
know that:
       var rx =  /a*z/;
is a valid expression whose RHS is an RegualrExpressionLiteral?  The best 
explanation  I can come up with for this interpretation solely from the 
specification is that the production to the right of the "=" in 
VariableDeclaration is an AssignmentExpression that can reduce to 
ConditionalExpression and since ConditionExpression doesn't describe any 
non-parenthesized expressions that begin with "/"  or "=/" I should use 
InputElementRegExp  and accept a RegularExpressionLiteral as a 
PrimaryExpression.  (and there really isn't anything in the specification that 
tells me to make that last leap.  Actually, I don't really think that the 
specification actually says that the above example is valid.)

This isn't a new ES3.1 problem.  Nothing has changed from the ES3 specification 
in this regard.  Am I missing something obvious?  Obviously this can't be 
unambiguously specified in the grammar but it sure seems like there should be 
some sort of comprehensible specification of exactly when 
RegularExpressionLiteral is allowed.


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