Here are my views on this.

2) Do we want to permit conforming implementations to extend the JSON grammar 
that they recognize?  This probably could be done by extending the syntax error 
extension allowance in section 16 to include the JSON grammar.  If we allow 
this then most of the observed variation for the current emerging 
implementation that we have been talking about would probably be acceptable 

Yes, unless we want to have a confusing proliferation of different JSON method 
names as we add new data types to the language in the future.

3) If we disallow JSON grammar extensions (for JSON.parse) should we extend the 
existing grammar with some Postel's Law flexibility?

No, except for things we explicitly discuss and approve here.

Here are the individual cases that I know of to consider:

a) Allow strings, numbers, Booleans, and null in addition to objects and arrays 
as top level JSON text.


b) Permit leading zeros on numbers either with or without octal implications.


c) Trailing commas in objects and arrays


d)  Holes in arrays, eg [1,,3]


e) Allow some/all control characters to appear unescaped in JSON string 
literals. Which ones?

Don't care, as long as all of them (except line terminators) are treated alike.

f) Allow single quotes within JSON text as string delimiters


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