On Dec 8, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

I believe that there are still IPR policy issues that need to be worked through before any test suite development that is affiliated with ECMA/T39 could accept contributions from organizations or individuals who do not have an ECMA membership affiliation. An advantage of the current google/codeplex/mozilla projects, is that they don't have this restriction. While ecmascript.org is not exactly officially associated with ECMA/TC-39 it is close enough that I don't think we should try to host a test suite project there until we resolve the IPR issues.

My main concern about these projects is not hosting or control, but the fact that there are several of them. I think it would be more useful to the community to have a single ECMAScript conformance test suite, covering all of ES5, including the bits inherited from ES3. If all parties are willing to use one of the existing sites for hosting, that is not a problem as far as I'm concerned.

Note: the WebKit project has a number of ECMAScript tests at <http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/js >, though we have not sorted over them to determine which are for ECMAScript proper rather than extensions, and which would be suitable as conforamance tests. We would consider donating tests to a shared ECMAScript conformance test suite if there were a single canonical test suite. Many of our tests cover edge cases that may not otherwise be covered by a conformance suite.


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